Both coffee and Red Bull both provide an energy boost, but they’re very different beverages. To start with, coffee has been around for millennia, while Red Bull has been around a few years. Here’s a look at some of the other differences between these two drinks.
Coffee Has More Caffeine Than Red Bull
Coffee has more caffeine than Red Bull, although both drinks are well below the Mayo Clinic’s recommended maximum of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains between 80 and 200 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the varietal and brew method. An 8.4-ounce Red Bull can has 80 milligrams of caffeine.
Red Bull also has Taurine, though. Taurine is another naturally occurring stimulant, and it’s vital for some bodily functions, such as calcium signaling, antioxidation, cardiovascular functions, and musculoskeletal and retinal development. Coffee doesn’t contain Taurine.
The effects of Taurine are less known than those of caffeine. Currently, there is no research showing that consuming Taurine has any negative or positive long-term effects. Any effects it does have likely wouldn’t be noticeable at the levels contained in Red Bull. As long as Red Bull is drunk in moderation, Taurine likely isn’t a health risk.
Coffee Has Less Sugar Than Red Bull
Coffee has a health advantage over Red Bull when other chemicals are considered.
First, black coffee has no sugar. In a single 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull, there is 27 grams of sugar. The negative effects of excessive sugar have been widely documented.
Second, coffee contains many antioxidants that Red Bull doesn’t have. There are over 1,000 compounds in coffee, a number of which are antioxidants. Red Bull also has many chemicals in it, but it lacks many of these antioxidants.
Coffee is Preferred to Red Bull in the Morning
Taste is a matter of personal preference. Nevertheless, most people would prefer to have a cup of coffee in the morning rather than a Red Bull. Coffee’s generally seen as more relaxing and soothing, while also stimulating at the same time.
Coffee Can Be as Convenient as Red Bull
Having a can of Red Bull is, of course, extremely convenient. Just get a can, pop the lid open and drink. It’s not the only convenient drink, though.
There are ways to enjoy a convenient cup of great coffee. Auto-drip machines simplify the brewing process, and some high-end models will make a great cup of coffee with just the press of one or two buttons. If you don’t want to use an automatic coffee maker, you can prepare cold-brewed coffee ahead of time and then combine it with hot water or ice when you’re ready for a cup.
Learn More About Coffee
Coffee’s a fascinating beverage. At Driftaway Coffee, we find it far more fascinating (and delicious) than Red Bull. To learn more about coffee, follow us on Twitter. We regularly post on coffee and coffee-related topics.