It’s a common myth that dark coffee roasts contain higher levels of caffeine. In truth, the roast level does not affect the amount of caffeine!
When feeling ill, a cup of coffee can be especially appealing. The increased alertness that caffeinated coffee provides, however, has tradeoffs. Here’s a look at several effects coffee can have on the body. Coffee Can Help You Feel Better Researchers have confirmed what coffee drinkers have known for centuries. Coffee…
For about 30 percent of the population, coffee stimulates more than just the brain. According to a study in Gut, coffee can trigger activity at the other end, in the colon. Researchers aren’t exactly sure why coffee makes some people need to defecate, but they have some hypotheses — and…
Decaffeinated coffee is presumed to have little or no caffeine. The amount of caffeine in decaf coffee can be surprising, though. Here’s a look at just what you might be drinking if you have a cup of the unleaded stuff. The FDA Requires 97 Percent of Caffeine to Be Removed…
Drinking coffee regularly for a long period of time can stain your teeth. As tannins in coffee build up on tooth enamel, they cause discoloration. If your teeth are already stained by coffee, there are a number of whitening options (including at-home and professional methods) that may help reduce and…