Coffee Brewing Class
Learn how to make cafe-quality coffee at home with the Aeropress brewer!
What participants do
Making coffee at home can seem hit or miss - you might have a great tasting cup one day, but a more mundane cup the next. Making a great cup of coffee doesn’t happen by accident, but luckily the techniques are easy to learn, and even easier to repeat!
This 30 minute hands-on tutorial is fun with a team or with prospects, and fits perfectly as a stand-alone class or as part of a longer meeting. Your Driftaway Educator will explain how the Aeropress is different from other coffee makers, and why it’s great for making a quick and delicious cup. You’ll learn how to use the Aeropress to make either hot or iced coffee, and about the five coffees in your Coffee Explorer Box, included in the class. You’ll leave with everything you need to reliably recreate the perfect Aeropress coffee for yourself at home, day after day.
You can choose the regular (hot) coffee brewing class, or the iced coffee brewing class - both use the Aeropress coffee maker. Note: the iced Aeropress class requires a kitchen scale.
What’s shipped to participants
- A Coffee Explorer Box (20 oz - 5 x 4oz), featuring five coffees from around the world (Whole bean coffee or ground coffee)
- Aeropress brewer
What participants need at home
Decaf option
Decaf participants get 2 lbs of a delicious single-origin decaf coffee.
1. Porlex Manual Mini grinder - This is one of the most compact, useful grinders on the market. The silicon allows you to have a firm grip on the cylinder while grinding. The handle comes off and you are able to store it alongside your grinder too. +$69.95
2. Baratza Encore Burr Grinder - The Encore is lauded by coffee experts as the go-to entry level grinder for those brewing coffee at home. The Encore gives a great grind for drip/manual brew and also grinds fine enough for espresso. +$169.95
3. Hario Scale with Timer -
About your host
Julien Langevin is an educator and 2022 United States Cup Tasters Champion, with nearly a decade of experience in the coffee industry. Julien believes there's a special place in coffee for each person and is passionate about creating a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all.
Yes! We can ship to about 50 countries around the world for your international participants. Additional shipping fees apply and includes customs and duties so that the recipient does not need to do anything.
Note that we require 21 days for delivering internationally.
Yes! We do.
We're also happy to use your Zoom or another meeting platform if needed.
We'll create and share a form for you to send to all participants. It typically takes 2 minutes to fill out.
Responses come to us directly and we will confirm the list with the organizer before shipping any kits out.
We typically require all domestic addresses 14 days before the event, and international addresses 21 days before the event date.
Late additions and rush shipments are available on a case-by-case basis.
Yes! We will share tracking information with each participant for their kit, and also a master list for all kits with the primary contact/organizer.
Our goal is to ship kits so that everyone receives it 3 to 4 days before the event, and not much earlier (so that the coffee is fresh). If you have a group of participants distributed across the country, we'll ship the faraway ones first (West Coast) and the closer ones (East Coast, Northeast) last.
Once all addresses are submitted, we'll share a final list with the organizer for confirmation, and invoice via Stripe. The invoice is due in 1 business day and can be paid online via credit card or ACH.
Once the invoice is paid, we'll release the kits to our operations team for shipping.
We do not use your names and e-mails for any marketing purposes. We'll hold on to the address information for 30 days and then delete the files.
Google Drive's purge processes apply after 30 days.
30 minutes / $44 per participant / $100 event fee / 1-300 participants
30 minutes / $44 per participant / $100 event fee / 1-300 participants
60 minutes / Starts at $129 per participant + $100 event fee / 1-300 participants