How to Make Pour Over Coffee like a Pro
Learn how to make the perfect pour over coffee
What participants do
Making coffee at home can seem hit or miss - you might have a great tasting cup one day, but a more average cup the next. The perfect pour over doesn’t happen by accident, but luckily the techniques are easy to learn, and even easier to repeat. When you join your Driftaway coffee educator for this 60 minute online class, you’ll learn how to make a delicious pour over in your own kitchen, day after day - hot or iced!
Similar to cooking or baking, coffee brewing has specific techniques that anyone can learn, so this class is an equally exciting gift for those who love coffee or those who are coffee-curious - and it’s especially fun with a team or with prospects. You’ll be working with the Pour Over Kit that comes with the purchase of this class: it includes five hand-selected coffees from around the world as well as a Hario V60 brewer, scale, and gooseneck kettle.
More than just teaching the mechanics, your coffee educator will explain some of the whys behind great pour over techniques. You’ll leave this class with the increased awareness of how a coffee can taste, the ability to figure out why it might not be tasting the best, and the know-how to correct it.
What’s shipped to participants
Pour over Kit includes-
- Hario V60 brewer
- Hario scale with timer
- Hario Gooseneck kettle
- Coffee Explorer Box (20 oz - 5 x 4oz each)
What participants need at home
Decaf options
Decaf participants get 2 lbs of a delicious single-origin decaf coffee.
1. Porlex Manual Mini grinder - This is one of the most compact, useful grinders on the market. The silicon allows you to have a firm grip on the cylinder while grinding. The handle comes off and you are able to store it alongside your grinder too. +$69.95
2. Baratza Encore Burr Grinder - The Encore is lauded by coffee experts as the go-to entry level grinder for those brewing coffee at home. The Encore gives a great grind for drip/manual brew and also grinds fine enough for espresso. +$169.95
About your hosts
30 minutes / $46 per participant / $100 event fee / 1-100 participants
30 minutes / $44 per participant / $100 event fee / 1-300 participants
60 minutes / Starts at $129 per participant + $100 event fee / 1-300 participants