Fresh from the Badass Festival this past weekend and some delicious cold brew New Orleans-style, we would like to share our recipe for those of you looking to make it at home.
2 cups of 12oz each
- Chocolatey, medium to dark roast coffee (we used our Ugandan coffee) – 3 ounces
- Chicory (not always easy to find in stores – you can find them in bulk coffee stores or Indian / Asian grocery stores or online) – 1 ounce
- Maple syrup – less than a tablespoon (vary by taste)
- Ice – 4 ounces for each cup
- Milk (ideally whole) – 2-3 ounces (vary by taste)
Time to prepare
- Working time – 10-15 mins
- Total duration – 12 hours
- Grind coffee to about a filter cone grind (coarse sand). On the Baratza Virtuoso, we went with a setting of 18.
- Mix 1 ounce chicory with 3 ounces ground coffee.
- Measure water in the ratio of 1 part coffee+chicory mix to 4.5 water water. So for 4 ounces of coffee+chicory, add 18 ounces water. Stir it well and you’ll get the wonderful smell of coffee plus delicious-looking crema on top.
- Cover and let it brew at room temperature for 12 hours. No need to refrigerate.
- After 12 hours, pour the mixture through a sieve. Before you pour, give the mixture a good stir so that the grounds don’t all stick to the bottom. The sieve should be fine so you can avoid a grainy cup. Cheesecloth could also work. We used our regular kitchen sieve.
- Add a few drops of maple syrup (we bought ours from Trader Joe’s) to the liquid concoction.
- In two cups, add about 4 ounces of ice each, then pour 4 ounces of the mix. Add milk to taste (begin with 3 ounces). Shoot for a medium brown look.
- The milk permeating coffee through the ice makes for a great photo!
- If making large quantities, be sure to look at the thickness / viscosity of the liquid. Towards the bottom, the thickness will be more so use less coffee concoction and more milk to balance out the flavor.