Roasting now! Last day to order is February 20th. Order in the next

Rwanda Vunga Women Producers
Classic Profile | Medium roast
Tasting Notes: Black Tea, Cashew, Dark Chocolate
Whole Bean
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The Vunga cooperative and its tiny washing station are located near the borders of Uganda to the north and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west, in the Northern Province of Rwanda. It's uncommon in Rwanda for a woman to be a president and leader of a cooperative, but Daphrose Uwimana is an exceptional coffee farmer. Vunga is one of only a handful of cooperatives in Rwanda that are woman-owned and run, and that owns its own washing station. A coffee farmer since 1983, Daphrose is the driving force behind this exceptional coffee, and having founded the Vunga cooperative in 2009. This lot was collected from the 260 small holder farmer-members of the cooperative.
Daphrose has created a close-knit community and mentors a group of women farmers that produces special women grown lots. She conducts seasonal training on best-in-class farming practices, such as applying fertilizers (90% of which are organic) and pruning older trees. She also trains farmers on financial literacy.
When Daphrose realized that the youth of the community weren’t interested in becoming coffee farmers (which is very common in coffee growing regions around the world), she invested the money she made from coffee to purchase land with the plan to teach youth in her community about farming, in the hopes to inspire them to enter the coffee sector and continue growing world-class specialty coffee.
We've loved getting to know Kenny Ntwali, founder of the importing company Higa Coffee, over the past 2 years. He's been a wealth of knowledge about this coffee in particular, and Burundian & Rwandan coffees in general. For example, we know that the coffee cherries were delivered to the Vunga washing station the first week of June 2024, and that the coffee was finished processing, drying and resting, and was ready for export on July 24th. Also, all we had to do was ask if he could provide us with the Farm Gate price (the amount of money the farmer gets paid out of what we pay the importer - see below for more info), and he came back with a detailed Transparency Report laying out not just what the farmers were paid, but the farmers' costs of production, and all of the other mill and transportation costs that add up to what we paid for the coffee.
Coffee drying on raised beds at Vunga
Sorting cherries nat Vunga
Vunga President Delphrose Uwimana - square
260 Smallholder Farmer-Members of Vunga Cooperative
Vunga washing station
1650 - 2000 meters
If this coffee is grown 90% organically, why no certification? As Kenny Ntwali of Higa Coffee says, "For the Northern Rwandan smallholder farmers (in the Vunga sector) or even producers working with smallholder farmers, the hustle and costs to get a certification outweigh the benefits. This is primarily because, on one side, the majority of roasters aren't committed buyers year-in and year-out, and on the other, the producer (usually a washing station or dry mill owner) who is working with smallholder farmers has inconsistent cherry supply."
Price paid by Driftaway
Free on Board price
Farm Gate price
Fair Trade price per pound
Coffee C-Market price per pound
Driftaway's World Coffee Research contribution per pound

Women grow exceptional coffee, but are often overlooked. They make up 70% of the workforce in coffee growing and processing, but make 40% less revenue. They have systemically lower access to resources like land, credit and information. This has to change.
We've prioritized buying 50% of our coffees from women farmers. Every coffee you see that comes from women farmers means that the coffee payment went to the women who did the work.
This coffee in particular just sings at a medium roast, and we knew it was destined to be a great Classic profile.

SCAA Cupping Score
15 x 60 kg
Bags purchased
2 years
Length of producer relationship
100% (in 2023)
Transparent coffees purchased


This coffee is being roasted by Ian T. from January 26 to February 21 in Brooklyn. We use the Loring Kestrel roaster for this profile. We have strict guidelines for each of the coffee profiles, and this roast has to pass the development time ratio test as measured in real-time by the roasting software, Cropster. Once it does, it is approved for production.

We perform Quality Control via a process of coffee tasting called cupping on all of our production roasts once a week at our roastery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Each cupping is conducted by Ian T., Anu M., Suyog M., and James M. using standard equipment, and is logged by our Q-certified cupper Ian T. All coffees are evaluated on a scoring scale of 0 to 3.
- 3.0 = exceptional roast - exceeds expectations
- 2.5 = on par with profile - matches expectations
- 2.0 = good roast, but 1 or 2 elements could be improved - needs improvement
- 1.5 or lower = failed - do not ship
Less than 24 hours after roasting, we bag your coffee in our production facility in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Our production team is led by Anthony and Torie, and supported by a rotating cast of local artists, musicians and independent professionals.

Brew this coffee with your favorite home brewer and enjoy the taste of incredible coffee! Here are a few tips on how to make the best coffee on each brewer.
View other posts about how to make better coffee at home on our blog Coffeecademy.